How to prevent and reduce stretch marks during weight gain?

November 20, 2024 3 min read

Comment prévenir et atténuer les vergetures pendant une prise de poids ?

Stretch marks often occur when a person starts gaining weight. It is a natural phenomenon that is inevitable if you do not take steps. How to prevent stretch marks or at least, is there a way to reduce them? Here are some ideas that might interest you to manage stretch marks.

Avoid losing or gaining weight too quickly

The skin is a membrane made up of several cells. When it expands gently, the process is done naturally and the chance of stretch marks appearing is low. This is also the case when you lose weight. On the other hand, if your regression or your mass gain is rapid, there will be a good chance that stretch marks will appear.

So it's not very smart to want to lose or gain weight in record time. It might be a good thing for you, but it's what will promote the appearance of stretch marks. In addition, rapid weight loss or gain is not good for your health. Disease-related causes are not involved. So, to prevent stretch marks or at least reduce them, don't rush into trying to improve your body shape in accelerated mode.

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Taking care of your skin inside and out

Indeed, the skin is made up of living microorganisms that need to be nourished and maintained. On the one hand, there is food, that is, hydration, and on the other, various treatments. The skin can be hydrated from the outside with creams or oils. These treatments will help the membrane to have good elasticity . Thus, it will be able to easily adapt to changes in volume, which prevents you from forming stretch marks.

This is often the case in pregnant women . The skin expands during the nine months of gestation. Suddenly, in a short period of time, during childbirth, the volume decreases drastically. It is very likely that stretch marks will form. To prevent them from being too visible, you must take healthy care of your skin during weight gain.

Using an anti-stretch mark product

If grandmother's remedies seem too long for you, you can always use anti-stretch mark products. These products have been designed to improve the elasticity of the skin. However, they are not intended for pregnant women. For other cases, you can use their advantages, especially in gaining and losing weight.

When the skin is put to the test, grandmother's remedies are not enough to fight stretch marks. In addition, the results are not obtained in a limited time. With natural remedies, patience is required . If this does not suit you, you can simply get an anti-stretch mark in health and wellness stores.

Use of exfoliating creams

Some of the cells that make up stretch marks are dead cells . They reinforce their presence if you do not treat them. To do this, simply use exfoliating cream when you take a shower. This is not a remedy to make stretch marks that are already there disappear, but it does reduce them. If you urgently need them to be less visible, exfoliating creams are a solution.

The advantage with this type of cream is that it promotes cell renewal . The cells on the stretch mark area will be able to renew themselves quickly and may even disappear.

Tanning or using self-tanner

Tanning is a good trick to hide stretch marks. Often, old stretch marks turn white. To readjust this contrast that you have on the skin, simply go tanning. If they persist, you can always camouflage them with self-tanner . You do not have to go over your entire skin with self-tanner, just choose the most persistent areas. If you do not have self-tanner, use tinted cream. Note that the darker your skin, the more effective it will be.

Fight against stretch marks: advanced treatment

Indeed, if you are impatient to have results, you can always turn to more advanced solutions. This is actually a medical technique such as:

  • Microdermabrasion which involves removing the surface layer of the skin.

  • Endermologie to activate blood circulation and eliminate toxins.

  • Laser: a technique to eliminate all traces of skin.

  • Cosmetic surgery

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